

电子游戏软件社会工作学院(BCSSW)寻求来自各种个人的博士生, 教育, and professional backgrounds to join our community. Applicants are supported throughout the application process, with dedicated staff fielding any questions and concerns.






The doctoral program enrolls new students in the fall semester of each academic year. Enrollment is full-time only with a three-year residency requirement. 申请现已截止.


应用程序 & 最后期限

电子申请将于九月开放. Please note that the application system requires you to upload your personal statement, unofficial transcripts from all 学校 you attended or are currently attending, 写作样本, 并在提交之前提交简历. 你可以在网上检查你的申请状态,以确保所有材料都已提交. You will not be contacted if your application is incomplete.

申请截止日期为12月1日 博士申请门户已经关闭. 决定将在2月的第二周左右以电子方式发送到您申请中列出的电子邮件. 在此之前,博士课程将无法评论您的申请状态. Please inform the PhD 电子游戏软件s Office of any changes to your address, 电话号码, 或者电子邮件地址. 




附上你的简历或一份自高中以来所有相关工作的时间列表(从最近的开始), including summer jobs and internships you consider significant. Please also include all relevant volunteer or other experience with service-oriented groups. 对于每一份工作或志愿者经历, 请附上你的头衔, the number of months and/or years you held the position, 每周工作的小时数.


We require three letters of recommendation, which must be submitted electronically. 

  • When you register your recommenders in the application system, they will immediately receive an email with the link to the electronic reference form, so you should contact your references before registering them.
  • At least one of the references must be from one of your past professors. All references should be familiar with your academic and scholarly work.
  • 推荐人可以选择上传Word或PDF格式的支持信,或者键入或复制并粘贴评论到文本框中.
  • 如果你希望你的推荐人在完成网上申请前收到电子表格, 您可以直接进入申请的“推荐”按钮或链接,在填写表格的其余部分之前注册您的推荐人.
  • 您可以重新登录您的应用程序,查看已收到哪些推荐并发送提醒电子邮件.
  • 推荐人应该足够了解你,以评估你在社会工作领域作为电子游戏正规平台者的潜力.


A personal statement must be uploaded before submitting the application form. This should consist of a two- or three-page double-spaced typewritten statement describing:

  • Your reasons for pursuing doctoral education at 电子游戏软件 at this time; specific academic and work experiences that have prepared you for doctoral education.
  • Your 教育 objectives while in the doctoral program.
  • 你想与之合作的电子游戏软件社会工作学院教授的名字以及你想与他们合作的原因.
  • Why you think you would be a good fit with our program.
  • 你未来的职业目标.

成绩单 & 考试成绩


你必须上传所有本科和电子游戏正规平台生课程的非官方成绩单副本, 包括那些仍在进行中或你没有获得学位的项目. 如果你被录取,请注意, you will be required to submit official sealed copies of transcripts at that time.


电子游戏软件社会工作学院(电子游戏软件社会工作学院)将在2023- 2024年的招生周期中再次将GRE要求改为可选. 强烈建议选择不提交GRE成绩的申请人在个人陈述中说明他们的语言和定量推理能力,并提供其他支持材料.

选择提交GRE成绩的学生应提交最近五年内电子游戏正规平台电子游戏软件考试(GRE)的正式成绩报告. BCSSW School Code is 3219 and BCSSW Department Code is 5199. Please submit your GRE scores at the time of the application deadline of 12月1日. 你必须计划在11月之前参加GRE考试,以确保考试结果按时到达电子游戏软件. Please refer to the ETS website for information on test dates and return report delays.



40美元的申请费必须在提交申请表时通过信用卡在线支付. You may also mail a check or money order payable to "电子游戏软件" to the address below, but the check must be received before the 12月1日 deadline. 报名费概不退还. 


如果你是美国人.S. military veteran or a full-time volunteer with the Peace Corps, 耶稣会义工团, 城市一年, 或美国志愿队, you are qualified to receive an application fee waiver. Simply submit a form or letter certifying your dates of service, or submit one of your required recommendation letters on organization letterhead, and then call or email the 电子游戏软件s office to request the fee waiver. Returned volunteers are also eligible for a fee waiver. 如果您在提交费用减免请求之前已支付费用,则费用不予退还. Unfortunately, we cannot grant fee waiver requests for other volunteer organizations.


提交一篇文章,证明你有创造性思考和清晰写作的能力. 发表的文章, 硕士论文, 未发表的论文, 或者学期论文可以作为证据提交.



Please note that the zip code field does not work if you provide an international address. 请将您的邮政编码或邮政编码添加到申请表的地址栏1或地址栏2. 如果你没有美国护照.S. Social Security Number, DO NOT enter one on the application. 您将被分配一个Eagle ID号码(电子游戏软件学生ID号码),用于识别您的其他申请材料. 这个Eagle ID号将允许您访问申请状态网站,检查您的申请材料的状态并提交在线申请费. 请在提交给电子游戏软件社会工作学院的所有材料上使用相同的姓或姓.

Evidence of English Proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS)

Students who speak a native language other than English must provide evidence of proficiency. 您需要在申请中提供视频文章,并在托福考试中获得最低100分的网络考试成绩. The minimum score for the PhD program is also 100. The BCSSW School Code is 5939 and BCSSW Department Code is 95.

You can obtain application forms and information about testing dates for the TOEFL from many U.S. 领事馆, 美国新闻署中心, and TOEFL centers overseas by writing to TOEFL Registration CN 6152 Princeton, NJ 08541, 美国, 或者去 www.托福考试.org.

Please note that we now accept the IELTS test as a substitute for the TOEFL with a score of 7.5岁或以上. 官方成绩报告应邮寄到申请说明页面上列出的地址.


在以英语为教学语言的机构完成了四年制学士学位(或同等学历). The medium language of instruction is indicated on your transcript, or verified in an official letter from the institution.

你在一所以英语为教学语言的机构完成了两年制硕士学位. The medium language of instruction is indicated on your transcript, or verified in an official letter from the institution.


All applicants, including international applicants, are considered for the PhD Fellowship. You will be notified of any scholarship award along with your admission decision. Before a certificate of eligibility for the F-1 or J-1 Visa can be issued, 国际申请者必须提交一份保密的财务声明和证明(DCF),以证明你有足够的资金支付在电子游戏软件学习期间的其余教育和生活费用. 此表格将在收到您的注册回复表格后几周内由BCSSW招生办公室发送给您. 前提是此文档是有序的, 电子游戏软件将签发资格证书表格(F-1学生签证的I-20表格或J-1交流访问者签证的DS2019表格),供学生获得签证使用.  

电子游戏软件's Office of 国际学生 and Scholars serves over 1,000名国际学生, 教师, and research scholars from more than 98 countries. 办公室将为你提供关于你到达前和到达后的需求的建议,并提供有价值的指导和社会活动.


BCSSW doctoral students are fully funded with a doctoral fellowship valued at more than $200,000 在四年的课程中,包括: 






作为一个 r1指定电子游戏正规平台型大学, 电子游戏软件拥有丰富的联系和隶属关系,促进了与人类服务提供者(如卫生保健机构)的电子游戏正规平台伙伴关系, 社区组织, 非营利组织, 学校, and government offices) throughout Greater Boston and in Mexico, 委内瑞拉, 卢旺达, 印度, 塞拉利昂, 乌干达, 和尼泊尔.

我们的 博士生与BCSSW教师合作 and their doctoral cohorts on myriad shared research interests and research projects. Current 教师 members conduct research that promotes maternal and child well-being, 减少心理健康差距, and improves our understanding of how policies and public services impact low-wage workers, 难民, 和外来移民. 

The PhD program’s three-year residency requirement fosters a 强大的学生社区 被俱乐部和演讲所鼓舞, 专业发展博士午餐会, 论文训练营, and specialized training with visiting 教师. 除了, the Doctoral Outreach and 社区 (DOC) group coordinates social outings for students, 社区晚餐, 和更多的. 

事实 & 数据





(African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Native American)




Professional development sessions and workshops a year

