
Ever to Excel Awards

Each year the Division of 学生事务 presents awards to outstanding members of the 电子游戏软件 community. The awards recognize the contributions of 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 to the co-curricular life of the University, 领导角色的成长, and creative involvement in campus life.

以下是17个奖项. Please read through the description of each award and begin crafting your nominations. 我们鼓励教师, 工作人员, 学生, 管理员, and advisors to nominate those who have made significant contributions to the 电子游戏软件 community. Award recipients are chosen by a committee composed of 教师, 工作人员 and 学生. The most effective nominations include specific examples of the nominee.

If you have any questions, please contact Bella Esposito at espositi@krissystems.com.

To nominate a candidate for one of the following awards please fill out the form below. Nominations for 2024 Ever to Excel Awards are due Friday, March 1.

 Nominate Here for 2024 Ever to Excel Award


Jeffrey S. 基思韧性奖

给那个学生 faced a physical or other significant challenge in their life while continuing to excel in academic and co-curricular activities.

St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Excellence Award

To the student employee who went far beyond their paid responsibilities by fostering an atmosphere of hospitality, 护理, 和关心, and who modeled student leadership by developing relationships, 授权他人, and creating community at the University.

Student Organization of the Year Award

To the Student Organization who exemplified their stated mission and enriched student life through their programmatic efforts. Awarded by the Office of 学生的参与.

Student Group of the Year Award

To the student group which made an outstanding contribution to 电子游戏软件 in areas such as education, 社会正义, 服务, 安全, 等.

Congressman John Joseph Moakley Award

给那个学生, in international 服务 and volunteer work, most clearly demonstrates a passion for faith and a desire to see that faith enflesh itself as justice in the world. Awarded by Campus Ministry.

Alfred Feliciano and Valerie Lewis Advocacy Award

给那个学生 made extraordinary contributions to further the ideals of the AHANA acronym, and who provided leadership to help the campus community actualize the AHANA concept. Awarded by the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural center.

Welles Remy Crowther Service Award

给那个学生 consistently demonstrates a commitment to 服务 and who inspires others by their example. Awarded by the Volunteer and Service Learning Center.

罗伯特一个. 舍伍德敬业奖

给那个学生 demonstrated a commitment and contribution to community and civic engagement through excellence in their leadership 和服务.

安·福里斯特·摩根,埃德.D. 电子游戏正规平台生奖

To the graduate student leader who demonstrated a commitment to the graduate student community and student experience through leadership, 创新, 和服务. Awarded by the Office of 电子游戏正规平台生生活.

St. Ignatius Award for Faith in Action

给那个学生 exemplified the imperative to "Seek God in All Things," and demonstrated love for God by serving their neighbor and inspiring others within the co-curricular environment to do the same.

St. Ignatius Award for Personal Development

给那个学生se values and ideals have undergone a transformation a through his or her participation on-campus and who cultivates a culture of 护理 and belonging among the student body through building relationships and responding to challenges. Awarded by the Office of the Dean of 学生


尼古拉斯·H. 伍兹领导奖

To the freshman who demonstrated initiative, 动机, and potential for continued leadership within the University.

盖米. 帕杜斯基导师奖

To the sophomore who mentored and encouraged other 学生 to develop effective 技能 in inclusive leadership and teamwork.

Paul Chebator and Mer Zovko Community Award

To the junior who embraced the changes embedded in the junior year experience and has been instrumental in creating community.

布莱恩·D.A. 霍尔遗产奖

To the senior who demonstrated deep commitment to a student program or organization, and whose leadership advanced the mission of the organization and enhanced the quality of student life.


牧师. 约翰R. Trzaska,年代.J. 教师奖

To the 教师 member who expanded the horizons, 技能, and value systems of 电子游戏软件 学生 by providing support and guidance outside of the classroom. Only 电子游戏软件 学生 may submit nominations for this award.

Mary Kaye Waldron 工作人员 Award

To the 工作人员 member who demonstrated a continual commitment to the ideals of 电子游戏软件 with a self-evident belief in the need to enhance student life in a positive manner. Please note: Only 电子游戏软件 学生 may submit nominations for this award.