Toward a Culture of University Ethics

April 5–7, 2017

这次会议旨在提出一系列伦理问题,不幸的是, but routinely, arise at institutions of higher education: undereducated student athletes; unsustainable tuition; gender bias; sexual violence; cheating and plagiarism; accountability of tenured faculty, administrators, and trustee members; binge drinking; conflicts around race, class and homophobia; treatment of adjunct faculty. The list goes on. 这次会议讨论的一个简单问题是:当我们把所有这些不同的道德干扰联系起来,并看到它们的共同点是大学, ought we not ask, “大学文化是否助长或纵容了这些有害的行为?, compromising policies and practices? And if so, what do we do?"

Sponsored by the Jesuit Institute, 博伊西宗教和美国公共生活中心, Institute for the Liberal Arts, and Lowell Humanities Series.


Day 1

Opening Speech, James Keenan, S.J., and Keynote Speaker, Taylor Branch

Day 2

Keynote Speaker—Ruth J. 布朗大学校长西蒙斯(2001-2012) 

Day 2

超越宽容:高等教育的多样性困境Nicholas Bowman, Ximena Zúñiga和Janet Helms

Day 2

Money and Transparency—Ronald Ehrenberg, Scott Jaschik和James Finkelstein

Day 2

The Silos of the University—本杰明·金斯伯格,戈尔迪·布鲁门斯特克和凯文·克鲁格

Day 3

Faculty Panel—玛丽亚·迈斯托,彼得·马基和黛布拉·埃里克森

Day 3


Day 3

Closing Panel: The Future of the University—蒂姆·巴利特,凯利·亚当斯和马修·卡恩斯,S.J., with Closing Remarks from James Keenan, S.J.

Committee Members

Treseanne Ainsworth, English

Elizabeth Bagnani, Accounting

Kathleen Bailey, Political Science

Tiziana Dearing, GSSW

Natana Delong-Bas, Theology

Maria Kakavas, Classical Studies

James Keenan, SJ, Jesuit Institute

Fang Lu, Slavic & Eastern Languages

Michael Martin, A & S Honors

Jeremiah McGrann, Music

Karen Miller, History

Juan Montes, CSOM

Hiroshi Nakazato, International Studies

Erik Owens, Theology

Toni Ross, Jesuit Institute

Meghan Sweeney, Theology

Mary Troxell, Philosophy

Holly Vandewall, Philosophy

Celeste Wells, Communication

Conference Schedule

Conference program
