
Through diverse 程序s and partnerships focused on advancing Hispanic ministry and scholarship, CSTM培养部长, 学者, 教育工作者, and Church leaders to serve the needs of Hispanic Catholics in the United States. 除了我们的学位和证书课程, CSTM's Formacion连续 courses provide continuing education to some 20,全世界有1000人, 完全是西班牙语. 



Prepare to serve and lead in an increasingly Hispanic Church.


of all Catholics self-identify as Hispanic or Latinx


Students in all of our graduate degree 程序s can incorporate courses in Hispanic theology and ministry. We also offer a dedicated certificate and a concentration within our M.A. 程序. 

M.A. 神学与事工

我们的米.A. 程序 offers an optional Hispanic Ministry concentration for interested students. This master's 程序 can be completed full-time on BC's campus or in a part-time, hybrid format that combines online courses with in-person summer sessions.


This flexible 18-credit certificate 程序 can be completed entirely online. It provides a broad grounding in theology and ministry that can be tailored toward ministerial work with Hispanic faith communities.


Are you already serving Hispanic communities or interested in doing so in the future? This 18-credit 程序 is perfect for students and professionals, 有或没有电子游戏正规平台生学位, who wish to focus their service on Hispanic ministry.


Qualified lay applicants of all backgrounds who demonstrate a clear commitment to advancing Hispanic ministry and scholarship, and who intend to work with Hispanic communities after completing their studies, are eligible to apply for a scholarship that will cover at least 75% of their tuition. Scholarships are awarded based on merit and availability.

电子游戏软件 克拉夫神学与事工学院 is also a lead partner of Haciendo卡米诺, a network designed to support young adult Catholics with a particular commitment to serving Hispanic communities.



With one of the largest concentrations of Hispanic and Latin American theologians in the country, CSTM's faculty bring truly enriching perspectives on research, 教学, 和指导.




玛格丽特·E. 向导,.S.F.





Through our partnerships with organizations on campus and around the country, CSTM students will find a range of additional opportunities to connect with Hispanic and Latinx communities and prepare to serve their needs.


科拉松Latinx fosters a sense of comunidad among CSTM students who are interested in working with Latinx communities. The committee works to promote awareness and celebrates Latinx religious 文化 in three distinct areas: community, 礼拜仪式, 和精神. 


STM partners with several organizations supporting Hispanic ministry in the U.S.,包括:

  • National Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM)
  • National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry (NCCHM)
  • LaRED National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana.


STM is a sponsor of the 西班牙语暑期课程, which seeks to shape the next generation of Latinx theological and academic leaders. 每年夏天, the 程序 offers courses with leading Hispanic and Latinx scholars at a host institution, 学生可以以合理的费用参加. 


这7美元.9 million grant from the Lilly Endowment will increase support for graduate theological education for young adult Catholics with a particular commitment to serving Hispanic communities.



Los cursos en español de la Escuela Clough de Teología y Ministerio (CSTM) de 电子游戏软件 están orientados a la formacion连续 de todas las personas que quieran profundizar en su desarrollo humano, espiritual y teológico desde una perspectiva cristiana. Esto les permitirá conocerse mejor como personas que viven sus vidas en relación con otros en la sociedad.


Formacion连续 Online

Descubre nuestras apasionantes actividades en línea: cursos innovadores, 在线研讨会cautivadores, coloquios inspiradores y masterclass enriquecedoras.


Estos cursos se ofrecerán bajo una doble modalidad. 这是一种形式上的存在, en el campus de 电子游戏软件; o de forma virtual, mediante la plataforma en línea de la universidad.


Los Coloquios son espacios de reflexión y diálogo con expertos (as) que exponen un tema. Vea videos de nuestros colloquios pasados.


每另, la Escuela de Teología y Ministeria organiza un día de formación y crecimiento para líderes pastorales que trabajan con comunidades hispanas.
