图片:Ralf Kunze | Pixabay

Exposure to secondhand smoke could increase the risk of developing oral cancer by 51 percent for individuals, according to a new meta-analysis of prior cancer studies, 发表于期刊 烟草控制 by an international team of scientists, including 全球 Observatory on Pollution and 健康 Co-Director 库尔特·斯特雷夫,m.s.D.

Previous studies have shown that inhaling secondhand smoke causes several diseases, 包括肺癌. Although tobacco smoking is a known cause of oral cancer, it has not yet been established whether or not secondhand smoke also causes oral cancer.

Straif and an international team of 电子游戏正规平台人员 from Portugal, 英国, 和西班牙, set out to evaluate if there was a potential association between secondhand smoke exposure and the risk of oral cancer.

They reviewed and analysed five existing relevant studies—carried out in Asia, 欧洲, North America and Latin America—involving 6,977 people collectively of whom 3,452 were exposed to secondhand smoke and 3,525人没有.

Analysis showed that people who were exposed to secondhand smoke had a 51 percent higher risk of developing oral cancer, 根据报告 “Secondhand smoke exposure and oral cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis”. 除了, the duration of exposure of more than 10 or 15 years increased the risk of oral cancer to more than twice compared with non-exposed individuals, 电子游戏正规平台人员发现.

This should be another incentive for additional states to ratify the FCTC, and for those who have already ratified to strengthen their policies and increase their efforts against the tobacco industry and to control tobacco smoking and protect non-smokers, including the most vulnerable people
全球 Observatory on Pollution and 健康 Co-Director 库尔特·斯特雷夫,m.s.D.

Straif, a former World 健康 Organization scientist, said the findings should not only serve to inform the public, but also government policymakers worldwide, particularly in nations that have yet to embrace the WHO’s Framework Convention on 烟草控制.



加上口腔癌, our new paper suggests that the burden of second-hand smoke-related cancer is greater than known before,斯特雷夫说, BC大学访问学者. “This should be another incentive for additional states to ratify the FCTC, and for those who have already ratified to strengthen their policies and increase their efforts against the tobacco industry and to control tobacco smoking and protect non-smokers, including the most vulnerable people.”

电子游戏软件成立了 全球 Observatory on Pollution and 健康 in 2018 to track efforts to control pollution and prevent pollution-related diseases that account for an estimated 9 million deaths worldwide each year. Under the direction of Professor of Biology Philip Landrigan, M.D., the Observatory is part of the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, the centerpiece of a $150-million life sciences facility slated to open on campus this fall.

口服cancers-lip, oral cavity and oropharynx cancers—account for 447,751 new cases of cancer and 228,全球每年有389人死亡, 根据这项电子游戏正规平台, 发表于期刊 烟草控制. 吸烟, 使用无烟烟草, 酒精消费, and betel quid chewing pose significant risk factors for these illnesses.

Tobacco smoke forms the largest exposure of humans to chemical carcinogens and it causes one out of five cancer-related deaths in the world. However, it is not only active smokers affected.  According to data from 192 countries, 33 percent of male non-smokers, 35 percent of female non-smokers and 40 percent of children were exposed to involuntary smoking during one year by inhaling secondhand tobacco smoke.

The authors acknowledge that their analysis only involved a small number of studies, but that several of the original studies had already pooled many individual studies so the overall number of cases and controls for the new meta-analyses was high.

像这样, they conclude: “This systematic review and meta-analysis supports a causal association between secondhand smoke exposure and oral cancer. 此外, the analyses of exposure response, including by duration of exposure (more than 10 or 15 years) to secondhand smoke, further supports causal inference.”

They add: “The identification of the harmful effects of secondhand smoke exposure provides guidance to public health professionals, 电子游戏正规平台人员, and policymakers as they develop and deliver effective secondhand smoke exposure prevention programmes and adopt appropriate measures to implement guidelines in Article 8 of the WHO’s [World 健康 Organization] Framework Convention on 烟草控制.”

University Communications | May 2021 | Materials provided by BMJ Journals contributed to this report.