Illustration: Stephanie Wunderlich. Photos: Caitlin Cunningham; Gary Wayne Gilbert; Peter Julien; Lee Pellegrini; Tony Rinaldo.

Formative Education in Action


电子游戏软件对形成性教育的坚定承诺源于大学的耶稣会天主教传统. The academic model—inspired by the process of formation, 候选人承担加入耶稣会秩序的精神和学术培训,使BC从同行机构中脱颖而出, said Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley. “A formative education is one that seeks to educate the full human person, developing and integrating the intellectual, social, and moral dimensions of our students so as to support their flourishing,” he said. 

Mulling big questions is central to maximizing one’s purpose, explained Stanton Wortham, the Charles F. Donovan, SJ, Dean of the Lynch School of Education and Human Development. “At BC, 对于本科生和其他人来说,有很多机会花一些时间来思考他们想要实现的更大的人生目标,” he said. “It’s our job to try to get them to examine what they believe in, 然后弄清楚他们被要求做些什么来为生态做出贡献, social, interpersonal, or theological vision.”

To that end, for the first time, 不列颠哥伦比亚省最近资助了七个以形成性教育为中心的教师电子游戏正规平台项目. “我们的想法是让教师们思考他们对形成性教育的理解,以及它应该如何在课程中使用,” said Haub Vice President of Mission and Ministry Fr. Jack Butler. 这项电子游戏正规平台的重点是从卑诗省PULSE服务学习项目的形成到康奈尔护理学院的社区建设. Here’s a look at four of the funded projects.

Formative Education: Cultivating Purpose in the College Years

Belle Liang

Principal investigator: Lynch School professor Belle Liang

Project overview: 梁对学生进行了采访,以评估他们在大学期间的目标感是如何发展的, 以及批判性意识——对世界上不公正的认识,以及对一个人的身份和地位如何与解决不公正有关的理解——如何有助于这种发展.

Findings so far: “We have seen that as critical consciousness increases, students are more likely to be actively searching for their purpose,” Liang said. 这些发现表明,许多学生正在反思和思考他们在世界上看到的需求, she said, and about how they may uniquely contribute to addressing those needs. 

Up next: Liang and her team used the study results to create an app—True North 2.0 -以及一套配套的课程,让学生参与电子游戏软件及其他学院的形成性教育和目标发展. 梁还计划采访BC的学生,了解COVID-19如何影响他们的目标发展.

Re-Imagining the Common Good? First Year Students’ Formation & Engagement with Difference through Immigrant Knowledges at Boston College


Principal investigators: Lynch School assistant professors Andrés Castro Samayoa and Gabrielle Oliveira

Project overview: To address the central question of their research—How does academic engagement in dialogues, reflexive writing, 讲座影响了学生对自身形成和更广泛的社会利益的理解?卡斯特罗·萨马约亚和奥利维拉审查了50多名参加2020年秋季公民课程的学生的作业, Immigration & Belonging in the United States: Can Education Save Us?

Findings so far: By analyzing students’ documents, 奥利维拉和卡斯特罗·萨马约亚看到,旨在鼓励学生反思和优先考虑自己福祉的课程,如何导致了对他人福祉的高度关注. The results, the researchers said, 同时建议当学生将结构性的压迫形式纳入他们对自我的理解时, it informs their perspective on and dialogue about the common good. 

Up next: 奥利维拉和卡斯特罗·萨马约亚现在正在与2021年秋季课程的新一组学生合作. 他们还将通过耶稣会学院和大学协会的教师移民电子游戏正规平台目录分享他们的见解.



Principal investigators: Jeffrey Bloechl, associate professor of philosophy; Julianna González-McLean, assistant dean of students services, diversity and inclusion at the Connell School of Nursing; and Colleen Simonelli康奈尔护理学院(Connell School of Nursing)本科项目副主任 

Project overview: 护理学院和哲学系之间的合作包括为有色人种的一年级护理专业学生建立一个生活和学习社区(LLC),名为Seacole Scholars, 还为护理专业的学生量身定制了“透视1:西方文化透视”课程的一部分. 

Findings so far: 电子游戏正规平台人员了解到,七名首届希科尔学者在BC大学有一种归属感. 学生们住在牛顿校区,在大流行之前定期会面. Despite the abrupt end to the spring semester, 这些学生报告了一个积极的整体体验,并且彼此之间有密切的联系.

Up next: “我们已经确定了一群重要的学生,他们在学习课程材料时表现出色,这些材料提出了对他们的培训特别重要的问题,” Bloechl said of the philosophy department’s findings. González-McLean and Simonelli, meanwhile, 计划收集首届Seacole学者的纵向数据,并继续有限责任公司. “我们得到了住宿生活和更广泛的大学的大力支持,以提高护理学院的多样性和包容性, quite hopefully, the profession,” Simonelli said.

Formation in the PULSE Program for Service Learning


Principal investigators: Eileen Sweeney, philosophy professor; Meghan T. Sweeney, PULSE director 

Project overview: 这两位教授收集并编辑了PULSE教师的论文,编写了一本名为 Service, Social Justice, 学生形成:波士顿电子游戏软件学习PULSE项目50年. The collection, which features essays from fourteen faculty members, 追溯历史和演变的最古老的服务学习项目之一,在这个国家, while also exploring how PULSE forms students as citizens and human beings, and shapes their spirituality. 它还包括两项关于PULSE项目对学生影响的电子游戏正规平台结果. 

Findings so far: “让我们兴奋的是教师在让学生参与pulse学术各个方面的工作和反思的深度, service, 这些电子游戏正规平台证实了这些联系与学生的成长和转变程度是相关的,这是这个项目的结果,” the researchers said. 

Up next: 发表的报告将作为PULSE 50周年庆典的一部分进行展示. 斯威尼和斯威尼还在考虑未来编纂学生对这个项目的看法.